

May 30, 2010

Matsumoto Craft Fair

Matsumoto Craft Fair was open this weekend and Even though I was rejected, I went to check them out this afternoon. Some of my friends are showing their work and I got some, too! The metal artist, Mr. Narita, whom I introduced a few entries back, was also there and finally I could meet him in person.
I also visited Matsumoto Museum where showing Motojyu Miyosawa's work. I really loved the show and got inspired, too!


上左から:平野照子さんの小皿/Aya Naruseさんの箸置き/河合和美さんの子達(左写真手前は去年購入したもの)/林拓児さんのオブジェ/都筑明さんの箸置き/ハタノワタルさんの和の紙/糸各種

May 27, 2010

Few works were up!

Before the Lohas Festa, I tried to fire more works but there wasn't enough time. I went to ceramic studio after a long break and found these pieces coming our of kiln today. Few Oribe-dot series and a plate.
Since these Oribe-dot series I brought to the Lohas were all sold, I wish I could take them with me... oh well..next time!

持っていった織部ドットシリーズは、すべてお買い上げいただけたので。。。この子達も持っていけたら良かったな。。。と! また次回ですね!

May 25, 2010

They are nice two together!

 My friend's friend visited me on the first day of the Lohas Festa and bought a cup and a pot holder. A few days later, she sent me a picture of using the pot holder as a coaster for the cup! It looked cute and nice. The last weekend, I had a party at my friend's house and show the picture to friends. One of my friends loved how they look two together and bought the same set for herself. ha ha Thank you Ms.A and! Ms.M!!


May 24, 2010

Heart plate

One of the customers who bought a heart plate sent me a picture of the plate with strawberries. Thank you very much. Isn't it cute! By the way, I'm back in Nagoya!

May 21, 2010

Thank you!

I'm still in Tokyo having a good time with friends and all. Yesterday, I visited Lucie Rie exhibition at the National Art Center Tokyo. It was the first time for me to meet that much of her works at once. I was so happy to see her work and she was so cute in the video which was shown in the museum. I also went to a gallery/shop called "Sajiya" in Kunitachi today. I sew the shop on a book or somewhere and wanted to go there for a long time. Fortunately, they are haivng Mr. Narita Takayoshi's exhibition whose work I first met in Nagoya and I bought an middle size iron plate. It's so great!!


May 13, 2010

Thank you very very much!!!

Thank you very much for coming to the Lohas Festa!!

One of the customers sent me a picture of using my cup for coffee! Thank you very much!! Please send me some pictures using my pieces, if you can!! I will upload the pictures if you could sent me some~!


May 10, 2010






The Lohas Festa in Tokyo is done!!
I enjoyed 2 days and it was a great experience for me!
Thank you for everyone, who came to join us at the event, who bought my pieces, and especially who helped me for the Festa!

I'm looking forward to seeing you again!

Thank you very much!!

May 8, 2010

Lohas Festa in Tokyo

Today was the first day for the Lohas Festa!
It was a beautiful day and a lot of friends and people came to see my work!
Thank you very much!
I was so happy to see you all and hope you enjoy the pieces you bought!!!
I have one more day to go!
People who couldn't come today, please make a time and come join us tomorrow!


May 6, 2010

2 more days!?

I was miscounting for the last entry?? Two more day for the Lohas Festa for sure!
I'm driving to Tokyo tomorrow and the Festa is this weekend!
Please come join us if you are near by! The weather for the weekend should be good!!
I'm looking forward to seeing you all at the Festa~!!

多分、前回の投稿で、日数まちがえてましたか? ロハスまで、あと二日です〜!


May 4, 2010

3 more days!

There are only 3 days left to the Lohas Festa. But, I'm still making stuff... My body hurts...awwwww... I guess I should finish up making pieces and start packing and preparing for the Festa soon! Wow..It's almost there!! I'm getting so excited!!!

ロハスフェスタまで、残すところあと3日? だけど、まだあれこれ作ってます。体が痛いです。。。>< そろそろ、制作はやめて、荷造りしたり、そのたの準備をしなくちゃですね〜!本番、もうすぐです! わくわくです〜!

(3 long bags, 10 chopsticks holder, 4 aplons)

May 3, 2010

I made a sigh for the Festa!

Today, I made a sign board for the Festa. I think it looks good!! Also, I was feeling good today and made some aprons and pants and a small tetra porch! I did quite good today!!! haha

今日は、フェスタ用の看板をつくりました! いい感じだと思いますが、いかがでしょうか??で、今日は気分もよく、エプロン数枚、パンツ一枚、あと、テトラポーチ。今日はがんばりました〜!

May 1, 2010

Relaxing day!

My old friend came to Nagoya to attend her sister's wedding. We went to have a lunch at a gallery care and had a good time at a park. It was a beautiful day!
After I came back, I made a one bag.
