

Dec 30, 2011

Good Bye, 2011

It's almost the end of the year.. I can't believe how fast a year goes by...I feel like the older I get, the faster and quicker a year passes by... why is that??
But, anyway, it was a year of wonderful meetings! Thank you for everyone and hopefully, see you again in 2012!!!


Dec 16, 2011

Thank you, Hyakumanben!

Thank you for stopping by at my booth at Hyakumanben. I had a great time yesterday and meet great people!!
Oh, one of customers wore a nice hand-made wire ring and when I said it was a nice ring, she gave it to me~~! Ms. M, thank you very much!!
I hope to see you all again!!!

素敵なワイヤ−リングをつけていらしたMさん、素敵ですね〜!っていったら、「はい、あげる〜」といって、してらした指輪くださいました〜! ありがとうございます!!

Dec 12, 2011

Knit Cap I made today!

I made a red knit cap for 15th. I can wear any ways and it shows different looks each way! It should be really cold standing outside for the handmade fair... Hope this will help!!!


Dec 10, 2011

12/15 百万遍さん、手づくり市

I will have a booth at Hyakumanben hand-made fair on 12/15!
The weather is getting cold...but please come join us!!!


Glay Mitten

I made gray mitten last night for my friend. This shape became my standard and I guess I made more than 10 mittens for friends in last season. This one is the first one for this season!! Let's see..how many I make for this season...haha
I want to knit leg warmer, too!

 昨日のよる、グレーの手袋作りました!この形、私の定番となりつつあります。去年は、たのまれたり、自分用に10個ぐらいは作ったかな?? これは今シーズン初! さて、ことしは何個ぐらい、作るかな〜! レッグウォーマーも編たいな〜!

Dec 6, 2011

iPhone sock

I made iPhone socks, today. Now my sweet iPhone is ready for the cold winter~!


Dec 5, 2011

Today's bags!

I made 6 yellow two-tone bags today. I could sold two out of six at the last handmade fair, so hopefully, they will be star items for the next sale!!!


Dec 4, 2011

Arm/Leg warmer with washable wool

Today, I made arm/leg warmer with washable wool. I actually made one for my self and friends before and this is the second time. It is made as double-sided or how can I say...you can slide and wear wherever you like. I used 4 different colors for this one!
This is really warm!!

 今日は、ウォッシャブルウールでアーム/レッグ ウォーマーを作りました。実は以前にも自分用と、友達用にいくつか作ってこれは2度目なのですが、ちょっと改良してみました。今回はこの4色!2重に輪になるように縫ってあるので、クルクルと回して、好きな色のところで着用できます。これ、とってもあたたかいのです〜!

Dec 2, 2011

Thanks, and hopefully, see you soon~!

12/1 was the craft fair at Umeko-ji Ko-en. It was very cold and windy day. I did make new two-tone bags for this time and I think they are nice! I sold two of them so I will try to make more for the next! I will have a booth at Hyakumanben on 15th. Thank you for everyone who visited me at Umeko-ji and, please stop by at Hyakumanben on 15th if you have a time. I'm looking forward to seeing you all~!
