

Oct 23, 2009

Pretty Good, I Think!!

New pieces came out of kiln a few days ago. I'm feeling pretty good about the first small glasses with green line on the lip. I used blue line for wine glasses with black clay showing below but, green line can give more warmer feeling to it, yet still braces it up nicely. I really like how it came out!! What do YOU think???



  1. I like them both! Very artistic. By U.

  2. Thanks!!! How are you?? I hope you are doing good..btw, where are you now??

  3. I am in Kanagawa. I got married to someone from SMFA, guess who! (^_-)-☆

  4. Oh, the only person I can think of is...that boy...?? did you get back together?? hum...yes? or no? Well, well, ..no matter who he is, hum....I'm sure you are happy with him!! Sweet!!
