I used to do a lot of line drawing while I was in school, so these pieces are extension of what I used to do, but this time, the idea of this drawing come to me when I was talking about philosophy with my friend. Well...what is philosophy? It could be really difficult but it also anything we talk about is in a way philosophy, right??
the line in the piece is kind of like... how our thoughts flow... it's interesting to follow our mind. But we can't really capture what we are thinking on the process... it keeps moving and even it's going on in my brain... I can't really know what's going on. And also memories are funny things, too...
作品のなかのラインは、意識だったり、考えの流れみたいなものを表現している感じです。意識を追いかけるのって結構面白いですよ。 実際私たち、何かを考えている時って、ほとんど無意識だったりするので、気がつくととんでもないとこにたどり着いてたりする。。。
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