The small cups I showed here before came out of Kiln today. I think they are pretty good...don't you think???
Well... nobody leaves a comment here, are you too shy to leave a comment? or you have nothing to say??? haha...Anyway, I'm just wondering how many people are actually coming to read my blog...haha
Tomorrow, we will have a second meeting for a shop. My architect (?) will bring a draft for the shop, and I'm pretty excited about it!!! It was a little difficult to think without having the outline, but from now on, it will be really fun to think about details. Since I have never seen her work, I'm a bit worried... I hope she has a good sense and we can enjoy working together!!!
前にお見せしたちっちゃめカップ。今日、本釜から出てきました! なかなかいい出来だと思っていますが。。。どうでしょうか?
明日は建築士さんとの2度目の打ち合わせ。平面図を持ってきてくれるとの事。。。とりあえず、大きさやなんかが決まらないことには、細かい事が決めにくかったので、これからが楽しみです! 彼女の仕事をみるのは初めて。。。センスのいい人で、楽しく
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