

Sep 30, 2010

Super House with a big door!!

Yesterday, when I came home, my dad and three uncles build a door for my super house. It looks good! Well, a kiln I bought will arrive tomorrow. After painting the super house.. finally, I will start working on my own!

いい感じに仕上がっています! 明日は、注文していた窯が届く日です。スーパーハウスをペイントしたら、さて、マイ工房での作業、はじまりますよ〜!

Sep 28, 2010

Hanging Vase Exhibition!

I enter the exhibition called "MODERN: 100 flowers on the wall" at Yoshiro-Modern in Seto. At first, I wanted to make them smaller, but after putting leather strap and all, I think the size is just good! The biggest one ( second from the left) is about 6cm X 14cm. I also asked blacksmith to make iron nail so I can set it for hanging vase. Today, I bought boxes and made labels for these hanging vases and they are ready to go! The exhibition will be open from Oct.15th (Fri) to Nov. 11th (Sun) at Yoshiro-Modern.

瀬戸にある、嘉郎モダンさんで行われる、「モダン 100の壁の花」展に作品を出展することになりました。はじめはもう少し小さめの花器を作りたかったのですが、焼き上がって革ひもなどをつけてみると、このサイズでいいんじゃない???って思えてきました! 左から2つ目の一番大きなもので、6cm X 14cmとなります。そして、今回は、鍛冶職人に頼んで、花器を吊るす為の鉄釘も作ってもらったので、セットでの販売にしたいと思っています。今日は、ラッピング用の箱を買い、ラベルを作り、搬入の準備完了です!
「モダン 100の壁の花」展は『嘉郎モダン』ギャラリーにて、10月15日(金)ー11月4日(日)の開催となります。

Sep 27, 2010

Windows in the sky

 I have been working on this piece since August? There was a project which allows us to make more than 30cm diameter at the studio where I go, and I made this piece.

私も参加していて、こんな作品を作ってみました! 久々に器以外の作品を作りました!!!

Sep 26, 2010


A small super house has come! My uncle got used one for me and it will be my working space at the moment! It needs to be fixed like adding wall and stuff.. I will work on little by little with my dad and uncles' help. Also, I bought a small kiln and it will arrive on Oct. 1st. I'm very much looking forward to having my own studio and kiln!
I will update pictures of my studio as it's fixed!
