

Jul 29, 2010

Today's new pieces!

Some pieces are up today. Pieces I'm putting pictures here are came out as I expected...but the Que Sera plate I had been working on was busted... shocking..
I wish I have my own kiln so I can re-fire it... I should ask someone to do that for me... hum...

が、Que Seraの大皿は。。。失敗でした。。ショック。

Thank you!

Last week??, my new friend called me up out of the blue and we had a good chat at McDonald's, haha. On her way to meet another friend, I asked her to stop by at my place. I wanted to show some of my pieces to her since we talked about my ceramic work. I didn't expected her to buy anything, but she bought one plus series cup that day. She sent me a picture of how she is using it! that's so cute!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

先週でしたか、新しいお友だちから突然のお電話。久々のマックでおしゃべりしました! 彼女とは、以前から、陶芸の話も何度かしていたので、他の友達にも会いに行くところ、ちょっとだけお家に寄ってもらい作品を見てもらいました。。。もちろん、営業のつもりはまったくなかったのですが、「これ気に入った!」といって、プラスシリーズのカップをひとつ連れて帰ってくれました。 後日、こんな風に使ってますよ〜と、お写真送って頂きました。

Jul 16, 2010

I was gone to Tokyo for a while.

I was gone to Tokyo for a while.
While I was gone, there are some new pieces came out of kiln. 4 of my regular plus series cups and one dot series plate. This dot series is a bit different from my old type. I was inspired by MIyosawa's work which I saw in Matsumoto museum and I made this plate for Ms. M who introduced him to us.

The last picture is one I took in Nihon mingei kan in Tokyo.

