

Apr 30, 2010


I made some blue scarfs and a bag today. These could be used by boys. There are a lot of stuff I made, but not so many for boys. I'm not sure what type of people comes to the Festa, but should be some items for boys, I think. It could be too late, but I will try to make more~~!!


Apr 29, 2010

Today's Pants and Pot holders

 Yesterday, I picked up all my ceramic works that came out of kiln. With these pieces, ceramic part is all set for the Festa. I'm now focusing on sewing! I made pants and more pot holders today. I have 10 more days to go!
I'm getting a little nervous, but with my friend's support, I'm trying to do my best!
Thank you, all!!

 昨日は、窯からあがった最後の陶芸作品を取りにいってきました。これで、フェスタ用の陶芸作品は全部そろいました。今日からは、ミシン物作品にさらに専念します! で、今日は、パンツ一着と、またまた鍋つかみ。

Apr 26, 2010

A bad day...

It was a bit of bad day today...I made a bag and pants but while I was working on sewing machine, I made a lot of mistakes. The day like this, I really hate myself..haha

今日はちょっと調子の悪い一日でした。 バッグとパンツを作ったのですが、ミシン作業中、失敗だらけ。。。こんな日は、ちょっぴり自分が嫌いです。。ははっは。

Apr 25, 2010

Another bag and pants!

The fabric of these two pieces are actually the same!! I painted the bag and it looks very different from the original fabric.

この二つの作品の布は、実は同じ布なんです! バッグの方はペンキが塗ってあるので、かなり表情が変わっています。

Apr 23, 2010

Two bags and more!

I made two more two-tone bags today. I'm really enjoying to make painted bags! I'm thinking to make more bags in different shapes as well! Also some other stuff I have been making.


Apr 22, 2010

A bag for today!

I made a white two-tone bag today and made a test piece for chopsticks case. It looks good for me~! I will make more tomorrow.


Pod holders, NO.2

Apr 21, 2010

A bag and more!

I made a small bag today! I painted the fabric and made it two-tone color. I'm happy with how it came out! I'm also working on more pot-holders. I will up date the picture of them tomorrow!

今日はバッグをつくりました。 ペンキを塗って、ツートンカラーに仕上げてみました。なかなかいい感じに仕上がったと思います!後は、鍋つかみも製作中!また明日、写真をアップできると思います!

Apr 18, 2010


I made pants today. This pattern is the one I have been using to make my own pants for a while and I made a short one for the LOHAS festa. I'm making more of the same pattern pants, short and long ones, for the festa!

今日は、パンツを一枚縫いました。このパターンは自分用のパンツとして今まで使っているもので、今日はショート丈のものをつくってみました。 数枚このパターンでフェスタ用に作りたいと思います!

Apr 17, 2010

Today's Plus Series!

Today's plus series...I made more ceramic pieces for the festa but these days, the pace of firing at the studio is very slow...I'm a bit wondering if my other pieces will be fired on time...

今日のプラスシリーズ。 この他にもまだ作品を作りつつあるのですが、最近スタジオの窯のペースが遅いので、ロハスフェスタまでにちゃんと焼き上がるか、ちょっと心配です><


Today, I made 15 coasters with linen fabric in the colors of navy and red!
In order to sell these stuff at the festa, I have to decide how much they are...but it's very difficult for me to set price for my pieces.
Someone please help me!!!


Apr 14, 2010

Pot holders!

Today, I clean up my sewing studio and set it for making pieces for the LOHAS festa.
I 8 pot holders are made today.

Also, I finished sewing a coat. It's the same style from the one I made with wool but, this time, it was ordered by a women whose high is quite short, so I needed to change the pattern a little bit.
I hope these fit her well.


Apr 4, 2010

This is how I work!

My friend suggested me to show how I make ceramic work at the LOHAS festa, so I asked a staff at the ceramic studio to take a picture of me carving plus marks! With this size of bowl, it takes about 30 minuets to fully fill the surface with plus marks. It makes my shoulder hurt... haha


Apr 2, 2010

4/2/2010 New Pieces!

These are new pieces I picked up today!
These are works for the LOHAS Festa and I'm glad this time they are all good...oops, no no..one of them has crack...that reminds me to treat my piece more carefully!!



I'm going to run a booth at LOHAS FESTA in Tokyo!
It will be May 8th and 9th!
If you are around, please come join us!!
