

Jan 30, 2010

Scarf 2

Today's piece. A big scarf!

It was actually a surprise birthday gift for my best friend!
Before sending it to the friend she sent me email telling me that she liked the scarf!! Of course, it was made for her!!!!
Happy Birthday to You!!!!



Jan 29, 2010


Since the new year started, I have been working both on ceramic and fabric and have making something almost everyday. My pace is like, in the afternoon, going to ceramic studio 3-4 times a week and working on sewing machine at night. Tonight, I made two scarfs ordered by my friend. I used about 7 or 8 different fabrics sewing together to make these narrow scarfs. I'm not good at...or I should say, I can't really enjoy making the exact same thing, so the order of fabrics and patterns are changed bit on each of them.

年が明けて以来、陶芸と洋裁作業の同時進行で、何かしら、物作りをるましている、幸せな毎日であります。 ペースとしては、週に3−4回、午後の陶芸に通い、夜にはミシンにむかう。

Jan 28, 2010

2010.01.28 New Pieces

Today's new pieces!
What do you think?

今日の新作。あがってきました! どうでしょうか??

Jan 22, 2010


I went to Osaka (Kansai International Airport) to see My best friend's mother off. It's been more than 20 years since I met her and we didn't tell her that I was coming to the airport, so she seemed to be very surprised !!! I was happy to meet her, too! I stayed over night in Osaka and next day, my friend called her friend so 3 of us went to a nice cafe called "Bird-COFFEE". We had lunch there and food was good!! and we stopped by the furniture shop, "TRUCK" which is also owned by the same owner. The shop was very nice, too! I had a good time with good friends in Osaka! Thanks!!!

関西国際空港に友達のお母さんのお見送りにいってきました。もう、20年以上お会いしていなかったのですが、サプライズでいきなり空港に顔を出しました!とても喜んでくださいました〜!私もとってもうれしかったです!その日は大阪に泊まり、翌日、友達のまたその友達もさそって、"Bird COFFEE"というカフェに行ってきました。ランチもおいしく、同じオーナーの経営する家具屋さん、"TRUCK" も、またまたステキなところでした!大阪で、とてもいい時間を過ごしてきました!ありがとう!!!

Jan 5, 2010


New pieces were out of kiln! There were actually fired as the last work of 2009 but today was the first time for me to see them, so they are the first pieces of 2010! I'm quite satisfied with the piece with John Lennon's words.

It matters not who you love, where you love, why you love, when you love or how you love. It matters only that you love -- John Lennon.

I decided that the motto for 2010 is "LOVE" !!!

I was kinda checking how the colors, especially blues, would be fired with this piece and it came out quite nicely as I expected! It doesn't happen so much to see what I want on the first try so, I think this year will be FINE year!!!


It matters not who you love, where you love, why you love, when you love or how you love. It matters only that you love -- John Lennon.

誰を愛するか。どこを愛するか、なぜ愛するか、いつ愛するか、もしくはどう愛するかなどは、さほど重要な事ではない。最も大切なのは、愛する事! 訳:あゆみ

今年のモットーは、ずばり、”LOVE”!! でいきましょう!


Jan 2, 2010

A Happy New Year

A Happy New Year
Wish you a peaceful, healthy & Productive year of 2010!!
