

Nov 28, 2009

Almost gone....

It's almost gone....

Nov 24, 2009

The Day of Demolition

Today, the demolition for my dad's shop started. It didn't mean much till I realized that the place is where I used to live till the year of 10 or so... the room where we lived was used for a studio after the shop was reformed about 20 years ago, and all stuff was out, suddenly the memories of old days came to my mind. that was a little sentimental moment. The main demolition will start from tomorrow. It seems that it's the end of ....hum..what should I say...the era??


Nov 13, 2009

Friday the 13th

Today is Friday the 13th....well...so what, right? I know..but I just wanted to mention it...sorry. Well, the cups that goes with the bowl I showed here before came out of kiln this morning. It looks OK, but..this time it seems to be the kiln got a bit of reduction firing, so the color of clear graze became a little blueish...hum...I think it's OK...but not totally satisfied. :( Good lesson!! the pieces should be fired in the same kiln if I want to make a set!!...but...you know...even in a same kiln...it happens sometimes...so..who knows!!!! The small pictures shows in this entry shows cups that I'm working right now. I'm not making more of it with differnet color clay. they will be fun pieces!



Nov 10, 2009

New Bowl

A faw days ago, this plus series bowl came out of kiln, but a small chip got into a piece. Damn!! I asked my friend to grind and re-fire it. A chip are almost gone and it looks OK now. Thank you, thank you!!!
数日前に、プラスシリーズのこの器、焼き上がってきたんですが、どこから破片が器の中に入り、釉薬で固まってそのまま取れなくなってしまっていました。さっそく友達にルーターで削ってもらい、再度釜に入れてもらいました。 ありがとう!!!

Nov 8, 2009

Order Made bowl for a wedding gift!

My friend ordered me a bowl for her freind's wedding gift! It came out of kiln this morning and I'm really happy about the peice. The size of this piece is about 23 X 23 X 7cm, for me, it's pretty big compare to the other pieces. I'm now making cups to match the bowl and I just glazed them this afternoon. I hope they will come out OK, too!
友達が、そのまた友達の結婚祝いのギフトにと、お皿をオーダーしてくれました。その作品が今日、窯からあがり、なかなかのできだと思っております!お皿のサイズは、23 X 23 X 7cmと、私の作品としてはちょっと大きめ。今は、この鉢とセットになるようにと、カップをいつくか作っているところで、今日の午後、釉薬をかけました。また、いい感じに仕上がってきてくれるといいな〜!

Nov 6, 2009

Having fun with iPhone!

Recently, I'm really enjoying taking pictures with my iPhone. I selected several applications to edit picture on iPhone so, I can edit picture as I take and upload to Flickr, Tweeter or Facebook... It's fun! Today, I went to Wojimaya, the kimono shop in Endoiji-shopping arcade! There is an old temple right in front of the kimono shop. I just walked in and took a few pictures!!! Too see more pictures that I took today, come visit me on Flickr.

最近、iPhoneでの写真撮影にすっかりハマってしまっています!いくつかのアプリも購入したので、iPhone上でいろんな編集ができるようになりました。そして、その場でFacebookや、Tweeter,Flickrなどにアップロードすることができるのです!今日は、円頓寺商店街の中にある、呉服屋さん、尾島屋さんでの展示会にお出かけしました。お店の目の前には、古いお寺もあって、そこでも数枚、パシっ! Flickrにアップされている写真を見るには、ココをクリックしてください!